Welcome to Christos Center             

This is the online presence of Christos: A Center for Men. The Center was started in 1993 to promote a dialogue among men wishing to explore an alternative paradigm of manhood based on the assumption that the old, patriarchal model of manhood no longer works for men or the world.


The word christos is Greek, and means blessed or anointed. Every man is called to perform a significant work in his life, and is given the talents to complete that work. In fact his anointed talents point him to that work.  And the world desperately needs the talent and vision of men who have listened to that sacred call.

The Center is a resource space for men to listen for the call with the help of other men, listed in resources. The Center also offers online help by an experienced men's counselor for those unable to find a men's counselor in their area.  

This site, like the Center itself, can hopefully be a jumping off point for men seeking a more meaningful and authentic life path.

Resources →

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My name is Larry Pesavento and I am the founder and director of Christos. I am a licensed therapist who has worked in the field of psychology and pastoral counseling for over 40 years. My specialty and interest is male psychology and spirituality. I call myself an existential counselor because I believe that most good  men are depressed because of lack of meaningful purpose in their lives, a purpose based on a new definition of manhood.


The dialogue at the Center over these last many years has motivated me to write a book on the psychological, emotional and spiritual journey toward manhood. The book is called Toward Manhood, Into the Wilderness of the Soul. It is written for every man who is seeking a meaningful calling in his life. This book has recently been published in paperback and Kindle and can be ordered from Amazon. 

I have also written and published many essays over the years. These have been random ideas that relate to themes in the book. Past essays are listed under Writings (formerly Thoughts). Also under Guest Writings is a sacred space where readers can share their relevant writings in prose or poetic from.

Please consider all the resources this site contains. And let me know if I can be of further help.

Toward Manhood→